This application provides information on cases in Ghana and globally from reputable dashboards such as WHO, GHS, JHU etc. It also has a corona self-test feature. This can only be installed on an android phone.
This is the APK version: It is not compressed and it works on all android phones.
This application provides information on cases in Ghana and globally from reputable dashboards such as WHO, GHS, JHU etc. It also has a corona self-test feature. This can only be installed on an android phone.
This is a zipped version: If your android mobile phone cannot unzip then download the APK version directly.
This application track corona virus cases and help test for corona virus. This can only be installed on android application.
.This application is an executable that works on all Microsoft OS.
It requires the internet to load statistics pages but it also has an offline coronavirus test system without the usage of the internet.
.View statistics on coronavirus cases in Ghana. View forecast per regions and districts as well as data from consolidated websites around the world.
.An e-learning platform for everyone. Take free courses and paid ones from CRITAC Education.
... Providing high-quality courses.....
.This application collates reports on incidences in Ghana based on citizen reports.
This can include water shortage, leakages, politics, corruption, etc.
.This application is online